

Swissmex is a 100% Mexican company founded in 1960. It was founded by Mr. Augusto Wirz, a visionay and hard working man who was capable of creating the tools to transform the history of agriculture in Mexico. At Swissmex  we are not only at the forefront in technology, we are also constantly training our more than 700 employees. The quality of our products and services has given us recognition in the national and international markets as an example of excellence.


Be the most recognized agricultural brand in the national and international market because of our technology, quality, durability and service before and after the sale.

  To give a quality service, manufacture , commercialize and develop products that are innovative and that cover the customer needs, staying at the forefront of technology, with a competent and committed work force, assuring the rentability of the business and a sustainable development.


• Passion
• Quality
• Proactivity
• Respect for the individual, society and the environment


• Simplicity
• Agility
• Client orientation
• Takin responsability of our actions